(Admin) on 1st Feb, Prof Lin has stayed in Beijing for half a day and made a special trip to visit few famous Chinese artists and friends including Peng Feng (Dean of Peking University, Faculty of Arts), Pan Gongkai (the former president of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, and also the former president of China Academy of Art in Zhejiang) and Ding Fang (Dean of the School of Art, Renmin University of China).
Prof Lin was invited to visit Prof Pan's newly renovated studio, and both had a good talk about the exchange and integration of Eastern and Western culture, arts and humanities. Both Pan and Lin are in their 70s seem to have chosen and embarked on a long and endless art exploration through the thistles and thorns. Because of their like-mindedness, they feel like an old friend in their first meeting.
They further discussed the differences and complementarities between the Eastern and Western history, as well as the integration of creation and innovation, and to absorb the essence of their respective artistic elements, especially in the planning and design of space art. (Prof Lin was nominated as Directors and Chief Advisor for the Civilization and Arts for Architectural Planning Design for 2008 Olympics Village and his team has been awarded Three(3) prizes & recommended by the International Olympics Committee).
The focus of this meeting was to discuss how to work together with the western artist, to promote and practice "Art for Peace" and "Art for Society", which Prof Lin has just signed at the UNESCO HQ on 29 Jan.
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